As part of his efforts to improve the Education sector in Benaulim constituency, Aam Aadmi Party MLA Capt. Venzy Viegas has taken a unique initiative of forming an advisory panel of experienced teachers of the Benaulim constituency.
The education panel, in which so far 22 teachers have joined, will advise the MLA on various initiatives and enhancements that can be made to elevate Benaulim to the top of Goa’s educational rankings.
Viegas said, “On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, we had felicitated more than 100 retired teachers in the Benaulim area. At that time, all of the teachers decided that they would like to take part in a variety of initiatives to strengthen the constituency’s educational standards”.
Viegas continued, “This panel will approach the government on behalf of the MLA team to work on how to enhance education content, school infrastructure, teaching methods etc, and will also prepare numerous seminars for teachers in the following year.”
State President Adv. Amit Palekar expressed happiness at the initiative, stating that such a step has been taken for the first time in the country.
“Education and Healthcare are two issues on which the most work has being done by the AAP Govts in Delhi and Punjab. It gives me great pleasure to see our MLAs focusing on these issues, and managing to achieve a lot with their persistence and innovation, despite being in the opposition”, Palekar said.