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AAP accuses BJP of abusing power by trying to influence postal ballots


*AAP accuses BJP of abusing power by trying to influence postal ballots*

Aam Aadmi Party Goa Convener Rahul Mhambre on Wednesday said that the ruling BJP government is misusing state machinery to sway postal votes.

Mahmbre claimed that the BJP is infringing on the electoral process and intimidating voters who are supposed to cast their votes through postal ballots.

He said, “The state government machinery and candidates of the ruling party have been threatening and intimidating voters, after the voting date, who are supposed to use postal ballots to cast their votes. There is pressure being applied to government officials to vote in a particular manner in favor of the ruling party candidates”.

“BJP candidates distributed large amounts of money to voters ahead of voting day in an effort to influence voters”, he continued.

“The ruling party appears to have resorted to all illegal practices and corrupt practices in a brazen manner in a way that has completely disrespected the rule of law, he added”, he added.

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