BREAKING NEWSFlash NewsNewsPolitical Pulse Of Goa

We need both LS seats from Goa, according to Union Home Minister @AmitShah, who states “Adha-Adha Nahi Chalega” (don’t want 50-50 seat sharing). Shah spoke on Rahul Gandhi, Congress, Swaympurna Goa, development, mining, and Swaympurna Goa. While addressing Public Meeting At Goa.

We need both LS seats from Goa, according to Union Home Minister @AmitShah, who states “Adha-Adha Nahi Chalega” (don’t want 50-50 seat sharing). Shah spoke on Rahul Gandhi, Congress, Swaympurna Goa, development, mining, and Swaympurna Goa. While addressing Public Meeting At Goa.

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