On January 29, 2025, the Porvorim Police Station announced a significant breakthrough in combating auto thefts in the PDA Colony and surrounding areas of North Goa. In a meticulously planned operation, authorities arrested one individual and recovered stolen vehicles valued at approximately ₹4,00,000.
The operation was initiated following a complaint lodged by Mr. Saurabh, a resident of PDA Colony, who reported the theft of his Royal Enfield Himalaya motorcycle on January 19. Acting swiftly, Porvorim Police Inspector Rahul T. Parab assembled a specialized team that utilized CCTV footage and intelligence to apprehend the prime suspect, 19-year-old Lalit Vaigankar from Sodiem, Siolim.
During the investigation, police recovered not only the stolen Royal Enfield but also a KTM Duke motorcycle stolen from Mapusa. Further interrogation revealed Vaigankar’s involvement in additional thefts, including an Aprilia scooter taken from Assnora and a Yamaha motorcycle from Sawantwadi, Maharashtra.
The police are actively searching for two more suspects connected to this case. The investigation has also uncovered links to a temple theft in Moira involving a 17-year-old minor from Mapusa.
The ongoing investigation is being supervised by PI Rahul Parab and his team, with oversight from SDPO Porvorim Shri Vishwesh Karpe and SP North Shri Akshat Kaushal.