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Goa’s Revenue Collection Hits New Heights: December 2024 Figures Revealed

Goa has witnessed remarkable growth in its revenue collection for December 2024, with a surge of Rs. 75.51 Crores compared to the same month last year. This year’s numbers reflect a strong upward trend, signaling positive economic momentum.

For the period of April to December 2024, Goa’s total revenue reached Rs. 4614.77 Crores, which is Rs. 365.43 Crores more than the Rs. 4249.34 Crores earned during the same period in 2023. This substantial increase encompasses both GST and VAT revenues, showcasing the state’s improved economic performance. Breaking down the growth from April to December 2024: • saw a boost of 9.62% for the nine months, reflecting the effectiveness of tax reforms and economic activities. • also recorded a growth of 6.41%, contributing positively to the overall earnings.

The overall revenue growth, combining both GST and VAT, stands at an impressive .%. These figures highlight Goa’s continuous economic growth and fiscal health, making December 2024 a significant milestone for the state. The backbone of Goa’s economy, the tourism sector, has also played a significant role in driving this growth, with a record number of tourist arrivals.

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