Goa Police Conducts Workshop on Cyber Crime and Cyber Security

The Cyber Crime Cell of Goa Police organised a two-hour workshop on cyber crime, cyber security, and digital forensics today at the Police Headquarters in Panaji. Held on December 12, 2024, the program was conducted in collaboration with Ernst & Young UK and the British High Commission.

Guest speakers Mr. Rick Helmsley and Mr. Charles Dickinson from Ernst & Young, along with SP Cyber Sh Rahul Gupta and PI Deepak Pednekar, led discussions on various topics, including cyber security concepts, cyber crime, cyber fraud, digital forensics, and the forensic investigation of cyber fraud cases. The session was interactive, allowing attendees to engage in a question-and-answer segment.

Approximately 60 officers of the rank of PSI and PI from across the state participated in this informative workshop, aimed at enhancing their understanding of cyber threats and improving their response capabilities. This initiative reflects Goa Police’s commitment to strengthening cyber security measures and addressing the growing challenges posed by cyber crime.

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