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Celebrating PRAWAH decision premature : Adv Carlos Alvares Ferreira

MAPUSA : Celebrating a Union cabinet decision to constitute PRAWAH, a Mhadei water authority that isn’t even constituted, is extremely premature, Aldona Congress MLA Carlos Alvares Ferreira, said.

“They have only taken a cabinet decision. I don’t think this is time to celebrate this as a victory, because the water authority has to be constituted by an Act of Parliament and the Act has to be passed and then the authority has to be constituted — that is the composition — who is the authority, who is the chairman who are the members, technical and non technical and the representatives of the different governments,” Ferreira said.

“Then staffing has to be done — recruiting people and after that it will be operational. With great respect I say it is not a victory for Goa, it is only one of the steps towards controlling the diversion of water and that will keep a check and balance on usage and excessive usage of water,” he added.

“At the same time, we must remember that both the Centre and the State governments are of BJP and when they want they bring out an ordinance. Which means that if they really want they can bring a Mhadei Water Authority Act by passing an ordinance. Otherwise this is a lollipop, elections will come and go, but nothing will happen,” he added.

“Our demand has been to scrap the DPR and to withdraw the DPR. It is not what we were asking for. To celebrate is too early and simply not giving us what we want,” he added.

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