On January 29, 2025, Bicholim Police arrested Naveenkumar Gaundar, a 26-year-old from Tamil Nadu, for the kidnapping and sexual assault of a 17-year-old girl. The arrest followed a complaint lodged by the victim’s father in May 2024, alleging that Gaundar had taken his daughter without consent.
Following the complaint, an FIR was registered, and investigations commenced. The accused had been on the run with the victim since the crime was committed. A dedicated police team, including PSI Jayprakash Jankar and constables Mayur Asulkar and Ashwini Gaonkar, utilized technical surveillance and intelligence to locate both the victim and the suspect in Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu.
Upon their recovery, both were brought back to Bicholim Police Station. The FIR includes charges under Sections 363 of the IPC, Section 8 of the Goa Children’s Act, Section 64(2)(i) of BNS, as well as Sections 4 and 6 of the POCSO Act.
The rescued minor has been placed in Apna Ghar in Merces for her safety after undergoing a medical examination and providing her statement to an NGO. The investigation continues under LPSI Sonali Harmalkar, supervised by PI Dinesh Gadekar and SDPO Bicholim Jivba Dalvi, with oversight from SP North Akshat Kaushal, IPS.