In a distressing incident, a 15-year-old girl was reportedly kidnapped from a construction site near Assagao Panchayat on January 4, 2025. The girl, described as approximately 5.5 feet tall, with black hair and a whitish complexion, was last seen wearing a black kurta and white pants.
Her father, a resident of Odisha, filed a complaint with the Anjuna Police after the girl vanished during the afternoon hours. The police have registered a case under FIR No. 06/2025, invoking Section 137(2) of the BNS and Section 8 of the Goa Children Act.
Authorities are currently investigating the matter under the guidance of PSI Saish Shetgaonkar, as they work tirelessly to track down the unknown assailants and ensure the safe return of the young victim. The community is urged to remain vigilant as the investigation unfolds. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.