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Social activist and Former Mormugao Candidate Parshuram Sonurlekar resigns from Aam Admi Party

Social activist and Former Mormugao assembly candidate Parshuram Sonurlekar has on Wednesday resigned from the Aam Admi Party
In a press release, Sonurlekar said that
his decision to resign from the primary membership of the AAP was taken after careful consideration and reflection.
” I have come to the conclusion that it is in my best interest to step down from my position within the party. While it was a difficult decision to make, I believe it is the right choice for my personal and professional growth. Over the course of my membership with AAP, I have had the privilege of working alongside dedicated individuals and witnessing the party’s commitment to serving the common people. I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities I have had during my tenure. ” Said the press note
” However, recent personal circumstances and a shift in my priorities necessitate that I redirect my energy and focus towards other endeavors. It is important for me to explore new avenues and engage in activities that align more closely with my current aspirations and long-term goals.” Said the press note

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