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Leena Prabhu, Senior Consultant and Head teacher of National Association for the Blind, Goa State Branch passed away on 4 th November 2022 after a brief illness.

Leena Prabhu, Senior Consultant and Head teacher of National Association for the Blind, Goa State Branch passed away on 4 th November 2022 after a brief illness.
She has rendered life long service for the cause of the Blind and was associated with NAB India and NAB Goa for four decades. She joined NAB Goa in 2001 and has been a ‘Mother’ to the children at NAB. She was loving, caring and genuinely dedicated to the cause of the blind, so much so that the students remained connected with her long after they left NAB. She has authored a book ‘Light Towards Independence’ based on her experiences as a teacher in Orientation and Mobility, which help not only instructors of Mobility but also those working in the field of rehabilitation.
She has received several certificates and awards such as a certificate from the Rehabilitation Council Act of India (New Delhi), certificates of Appreciation from the National Society of Equal Opportunities for the Disabled, certificates in Advance Marathi Braille from Louis Braille Memorial Research Centre, etc.

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