JCI Sen Rajesh Rajan is 2023 Zone President, Zone XI -JCI India
JCI India Zone XI held its Zone Conference on 29 &30 October at Hotel Green Park, Mapusa hosted by JCI Mapusa.
The new Zone Team of JCI that will lead Zone XI which comprises Goa & parts of Maharashtra was elected unanimously. The function was graced by Past National President JCI Senator Santosh Kumar, along with Executive Officer JCI PPP Adv Siddhiq CK, Panst Zone Presidents of JCI India Zone XI, Zone Members, LO Presidents,LO members and Junior Jaycees .
The following are the ZGB for year 2022-2023:
JCI Senator Rajesh Rajan
Zone President Elect 2023
From JCI Fatorda Town
JFM Atul Gondkar
Zone Vice President Elect
JFM Chetan Salelkar
Zone Vice President Elect
JCI Sanquelim
JFM Smitesh Talawadekar
Zone Vice President Elect
JCI Mormugao Port Trust
JCI Senator Eeshan Usapkar
From JCI Mapusa will take charge as the Immediate Past Zone President
Zone President elect 2023 , JCI Senator Rajesh Rajan is Owning his Company named S P Engineering, Construction and Steel Structure Industrie . He joined JCI Fatorda Town in 2017 and served as President of JCI Fatorda Town 2018. He was elected as Zone Vice President of Zone XI of JCI India in 2019 During 2021 – 2022 he served as the NOM Coordinator for CSR of JCI India
JCI India is a voluntary organisation, membership-based NGO working in India since 1949 for developing the leadership skills of young men and women.
The new team will take charge of office from 1st January 2023.