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Complaint filed by Goencho Ekvott

Acting on the complaint filed by Goencho Ekvott, the Office of the Mamlatdar of Mormugao Taluka, Vasco da Gama issued instructions to conduct a joint inspection to the following departments:

  1. The inspector of Survey & Land Records & Member of Taluka level Committee, City Survey
  2. The Town Planner
  3. The Range Forest Officer
  4. The A. E. of W.D. VIII, PWD
  5. The Member Secretary, Mormugao Planning & Development Authority
  6. The Member Secretary, GCZMA


Except for the GCZMA, which has already filed their report, all other departments and including the complainant Orville Dourado Rodrigues (GE Founder Member) and Olencio Simoes (Joint Secretary, GE) along with a large number of local residents were present for the inspection.

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