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Shadow Council for Margao questions the validity of the High Powered Coordination Committee for Sonsodo which held a meeting headed by Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant yesterday. SCM terms the decisions invalid and irrelevant as the HPCC Committee was specifically formed for during the tender process held in 2010, through which Fomento was awarded the work. With the exit of Fomento, the committee becomes defunct.
SCM Convener  Savio Coutinho said that Margao was the only Council to have a HPCC Committee headed by the highest functionary of the state ie. the Chief Minister; and after 6 Chief Ministers holding several meetings and taking dozens of decisions, a solution to the Sonsodo problem continued to persist.
Council’s without any HPCC Committee have set up plant’s much after the Margao HPCC, which plants are operational aswell.

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